刘岩, 钱宏亮, 范峰. 大型射电望远镜结构风荷载特性研究[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2015, 44(1): 148-156.
引用本文: 刘岩, 钱宏亮, 范峰. 大型射电望远镜结构风荷载特性研究[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2015, 44(1): 148-156.
Liu Yan, Qian Hongliang, Fan Feng. Wind load characteristics of large radio telescope[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2015, 44(1): 148-156.
Citation: Liu Yan, Qian Hongliang, Fan Feng. Wind load characteristics of large radio telescope[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2015, 44(1): 148-156.


Wind load characteristics of large radio telescope

  • 摘要: 全可动射电望远镜结构工作时需要在两个方位进行变位旋转,其迎风姿态多样、反射面风压分布复杂。为掌握反射面结构风荷载分布特性及获取相应的荷载取值,选取了待建的新疆110 m (F/D=0.3)望远镜反射面结构为切入点,首先采用计算流体力学软件FLUENT,对其表面平均风压分布进行数值模拟,并展开相应的风洞试验研究,来验证CFD 模拟反射面平均风压分布的有效性。通过对比数值模拟与试验结果,揭示出旋转抛物反射面的风荷载特性。随后以数值模拟为研究手段,对其他若干反射面结构进行基于望远镜变位过程的全方位分析,给出不同口径、不同焦径比的反射面风荷载特性分析结果,为日后旋转抛物反射面抗风设计提供较为充分的资料。


    Abstract: Fully-steerable radio telescope rotates in two directions during its operation which results in different kinds of upwind postures and complex wind load distributions on its reflector. In order to get the wind load distribution and obtain the corresponding wind load of the reflector structure, the 110 m (F/D=0.3) telescope was chose to be built in Xinjiang. First, the computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT was used for its average surface pressure distribution simulation and the corresponding wind tunnel tests were conducted to verify the validity of CFD simulations on the average surface pressure distribution of the reflector. By comparing the numerical simulation and experimental results, the surface wind load characteristics of the rotating parabolic reflector were revealed. Subsequently, the wind load characteristics were analyzed numerically for the change of its directions for several typical radio telescope structures and the results were given for different apertures, different focal ratios. The results provide valuable reference for similar structure in its wind resistant design.


