张昊, 王新升, 李博, 周开兴, 陈德祥. 微小卫星单粒子闩锁防护技术研究[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2015, 44(5): 1444-1449.
引用本文: 张昊, 王新升, 李博, 周开兴, 陈德祥. 微小卫星单粒子闩锁防护技术研究[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2015, 44(5): 1444-1449.
Zhang Hao, Wang Xinsheng, Li Bo, Zhou Kaixing, Chen Dexiang. Research on Single Event Latchup protection technology for micro-satellite[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2015, 44(5): 1444-1449.
Citation: Zhang Hao, Wang Xinsheng, Li Bo, Zhou Kaixing, Chen Dexiang. Research on Single Event Latchup protection technology for micro-satellite[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2015, 44(5): 1444-1449.


Research on Single Event Latchup protection technology for micro-satellite

  • 摘要: 对于在轨微小卫星而言,单粒子闩锁(Single Event Latchup,SEL)是最具破坏性的单粒子效应之一,其后果轻则损坏器件,重则使在轨卫星失效。首先介绍了SEL发生机理,分析并总结现有抗SEL的关键技术。其次提出了空间单粒子闩锁防护措施并设计了一种可恢复式抗SEL电源接口电路,实现对卫星星上设备的防闩锁及过流保护。最后利用脉冲激光模拟单粒子效应技术对具有飞行经验的芯片进行实验测试。实验结果表明,该电路能够准确地检测SEL的发生,有效解除SEL效应,保证系统运行稳定可靠。


    Abstract: For micro-satellites in orbit, Single Event Latchup(SEL) is one of the most destructive single event effects. The SEL results in damage to the device, even failure to the mission. Firstly, the mechanism of SEL was described as well as the existing anti-SEL technology. Protective measures for SEL were put forward. An restorable anti-SEL power interface protection circuit was proposed for protection to the device in the satellite from SEL and overcurrent. By use of the pulse laser technology, a chip with experience in space was tested and analyzed. Experimental results show that the circuit can accurately detect the occurrence of SEL and remove the SEL effect, to ensure the system is stable and reliable.


